5 Challenges Facing Farm Businesses Today

Tony Hudson is the Founder and Director of Hudson Facilitation. He shares his insights with Mike Krause of P2PAgri on what he sees to be the five significant challenges facing farm businesses today. These are challenging times for rural businesses, with increasing risks from climate variation, fluctuating commodity prices, access to export markets and increasing land prices. Tony brings a wealth of experience to his consulting in farm business management: from lecturing at Marcus Oldham College, and working in rural banking at NAB (National Australia Bank), to many years training and consulting to farm businesses. [...]

Expand your farm business or invest off-farm? Compare for profitability

There is no substitute for undertaking a professional approach to farm business analysis. There are positive options when deciding whether to expand your farm business through land purchase, land leasing and share farming, or instead investing off-farm. The key is, however, to undertake the correct analysis so the whole farm performance of liquidity, efficiency and wealth is understood. This will ensure sound decision making and improved risk management. Good, sound farm business analysis isn’t always easy, but it can be done using improved analytic technology, and is worth doing. Do this for yourself or use a professional farm business management [...]

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