What do you need help with?

This video was developed by the NSW DPI for the NSW Farm Business Resilience Program

‘The program aims to build the strategic management capacity of farmers, farm managers and employees to prepare for and manage risk, adapt to a changing climate and improve the economic, environmental, and social resilience of their farm businesses.’

You’re a farmer looking to get a handle on the numbers in your business so you can run a smoother, more profitable operation.

You’re an agribusiness service provider looking to provide your farm business clients with a more robust way of tracking their numbers and planning their seasons.

How can you be sure you’re getting the best farm business software and advice available?

With the trusted P2PAgri software

Powerful analytics and scenario analysis gives clarity and certainty about any of your ‘What if’ questions

Mike Krause, P2PAgri

With the popular
Farming the Business manual

Developed by Mike Krause for the GRDC.

  • Get access to a FREE copy here
  • Now in it’s 5th Reprint
  • Used as a text in Australian universities And TAFEs

With Xero integration!

Easy to Develop Information about your farm business:

  • Multiple-year trends
  • Financial ratios
  • Efficiency performance measures
  • Plan to Actual Cash Flow

With best practice farm business training

Tocal College

Farm business management training at Tocal Ag College.


But don’t just take our word for it, here’s what some of our users have had to say about using P2PAgri.

Bill Long, Farmer & Adviser, Ag Consulting Co, SA

Bill Long, Farmer & Adviser, Ag Consulting Co, SA

P2PAgri is powerful farm management software for farmers and their advisers

  • Develop key performance trends and benchmarks for your farm business.
  • Test plans and decisions with Scenario Analysis to maximise profitability.
  • Improve risk management and business resilience to build a more sustainable future

Three levels  of business tools and anlaytics for your farm business

P2PAgri goes far beyond any accounting software to give powerful management information that makes farm business profitability easy.


De-mystify your tax return: build your own business trends and benchmarks which can help you get a better deal from your bank. Answer questions such as:

  • How efficient has my farm business performance been?

  • How well have costs been managed in the business?

  • What wealth has the business built in the last few years?

  • How can these business trends help to re-negotiate a better deal with my bank?


Gain greater control and confidence in making the best profits this season, with analysis that informs decisions such as:

  • What enterprise mix will give the best profits this season?

  • What yields do I need to meet my target profit?

  • Can I negotiate a better deal with the bank?

  • Does the business have enough cash over the season to cover bills as they come in?


Test business decisions up to 5 years ahead with our unique SCENARIO ANALYSIS to improve profitability and risk management.

  • Can we afford new machinery? Will it improve our profitability?

  • Can the farm afford transition to the next generation, or retirement?

  • Can we afford to buy more land? Would we make better profits if we leased land?

  • What enterprise mix gives us the most profitable results if a drought occurs?

User Reviews

What our users say

Farmer using P2PAgri to improve farm profitability.

A few years ago, we contemplated expanding our farm. To assess the financial risk, we consulted Mike Krause, who used Scenario Analysis to simulate the impact of two droughts. The analysis confirmed we’d be financially stable, so we bought the land. Despite facing droughts as predicted, we remained financially resilient, closely mirroring the initial projections after 5 years.

Mark Branson, Farmer Yainee, SA
testimonial Gregor Wilkins

Using Plan to Profit, we were able to input all the variables, such as expected rainfall, grain prices and leasing costs and come up with the worst-case and best-case scenarios – and it really paid off for us.”

Gregor Wilkins, Farmer Yainee, SA

Allow advisers to work on your business

The flexible design of P2PAgri allows you to use it yourself or through collaboration with a farm adviser or accountant to do all the powerful business analysis for you.

Sustainable farming business

Are you getting the best deal you can from your bank?

Fully Featured Farm Reporting Software

Access to bank finance can at times be critical to your farm business growth and/or survival. Find out how P2PAgri can be used to help you get a better deal from your bank.

Adviser using P2PAgri to improve clients' farm business profitability.

“I recently used P2PAgri for a client seeking to borrow $1m to buy additional land. The bank was so impressed with the detailed financial projections, they offered them a 0.5% interest rate reduction. Using P2PAgri helped save my client $15,000 per year in interest.”

Tony Hudson, Hudson Facilitation

P2PAgri was used to calculate all the financial reports and bank ratios discussed in this article written by Tony Hudson, ‘Getting the best deal from your bank’.

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