P2PAgri’s Your Farm Business Podcast
Economic Outlook for 2023 with Darryl Gobbett
In 2022, farmers experienced significant increases in interest rates, important input costs, particularly fertiliser, chemical and fuel, and changes to their commodity prices. While changes to these important components [...]
Welcome to Your Farm Business Podcast, bringing you the best in farm business thinking.We aim to bring experts to the farmer, to help manage today’s farm business risks. Mike Krause, CEO and Founder of P2PAgri, helps farmers to run more profitable businesses by providing analytics and scenario analysis from their own data, to guide their business decisions.
Recent Episodes
Economic Outlook for 2023 with Darryl Gobbett
In 2022, farmers experienced significant increases in interest rates, important input costs, particularly fertiliser, chemical and fuel, and changes to [...]
Ukraine and Omicron Impact on Farmers
Darryl Gobbet shares his thoughts with Mike Krause on the economic impact of the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine and [...]
Peter Aikman: A Farm Business Journey
Peter Aikman began his journey toward a greater understanding of his farm business by trying to discover the information behind [...]
Farm business info: Easier & more powerful
Phil Dibben, the owner of Financial Services South Australia, shares with Mike Krause the benefits of good farm business management [...]
Farm Succession Planning 3: How to avoid the pitfalls?
In this third podcast on farm succession planning, Judy Wilkinson and Mike Krause discuss what things you can avoid in [...]
Farm Succession Planning 2: Best process?
In this second podcast on farm succession planning, Judy Wilkinson and Mike Krause discuss what process she has found helps [...]
Farm Succession Planning 1: When to get started?
Succession planning continues to be one of the most challenging topics for farming families to deal with successfully and is [...]
Interest Rates and Your Farm Business
Darryl Gobbet is currently a Visiting Fellow at the SA Centre for Economic Studies at the University of Adelaide. Darryl [...]
5 Challenges Facing Farm Businesses Today
Tony Hudson is the Founder and Director of Hudson Facilitation. He shares his insights with Mike Krause of P2PAgri on [...]